About Us

Kansas Inservice Training System (KITS)


KITS provides professional development through training activities and individualized technical assistance. Training and technical assistance is provided to all Kansas Part C providers through a model based on intensity of support. These levels of intensity reflect principles of both adult learning and results-based staff development and are addressed at the levels of: Level 1-proactive/general issues staff development and TA, Level 2-focused staff development and TA, and Level 3-intensive staff development and TA.  These levels of intensity are grounded in the four components of:

  1. collaboration/linkages
  2. information services
  3. technical assistance
  4. training. 

Each of these components has a variety of activities through which professional development is achieved.

What Are The Goals of KITS?

  • Maintain a system of support as a part of a comprehensive system of personal development for early intervention services.
  • Sustain collaborative partnerships with KDHE and other state agencies, institutions of higher education, local service agencies, and organizations to support professional development.
  • Increase the knowledge, skills, and capacity of individuals and/or organizations across the state through results-based training and technical assistance.
  • Develop and disseminate evidence and research-based materials, state level guidance documents, and training materials.
  • Provide leadership and training for the implementation of the KDHE Early Childhood Developmental Services State Systemic Improvement Plan activities related to early intervention.
  • Implement a plan for evaluating the impact of training and technical assistance on statewide systems, participating agencies and staff, and children and families served by participating programs.

KITS Values Related to Inservice Training

  • Anticipated outcomes are clear and understandable.
  • Learning opportunities are provided in multiple learning formats to foster growth for all adult learners.
  • Information sharing and networking among participants acknowledges their positive contributions to the learning process.
  • Family members are actively included as presenters and participants.
  • Inclusion of interagency and interdisciplinary participants is facilitated.
  • Collaborative training among agencies is actively sought to maximize resources.
  • Professional development is a continuing process rather than a discrete activity, and is viewed within the context of life long learning.