KSDE Documents

Kansas Inservice Training System (KITS)

The Kansas State Department of Education provides guidance and support materials for KSDE early childhood programs and Part B 619 early childhood special education. The materials are designed to enable LEAs to provide services to children and families. Links on left and below open in a new window.

Kansas Early Learning Document (.pdf)

In 2003, the federal government required many state agencies and organizations to develop early learning guidelines that were to be aligned with the state’s Kindergarten through 12th grade content standards. In order for this work to be done well and in a timely fashion, the early childhood community needed to work collaboratively and quickly. Kansas was ready to pursue this work because early childhood leaders have worked together on various projects, most recently the development of school readiness indicators. This document is the result of our extensive collaborative work.

Guidance from multiple state, local, and national sources was sought as the process of developing the Guidelines and Standards began. Resources from NAEYC, NAECS/SDE, other states, and local school districts as well as Kansas documents such as the School Readiness Framework, the Kansas Quality Standards, the Core Competencies, and the Teacher Education Licensure standards were used to develop a document that is firmly grounded in appropriate early childhood beliefs, values, and educational practices. The Kansas early childhood community has worked diligently to develop guidelines that will meet the needs of the children and their families.

The Kansas Early Learning document has been developed for use by child care providers, early childhood teachers, administrators, families and others who provide care to young children. The overall purpose of this document is to provide a general overview of the skills, knowledge, and abilities young children have and can learn with the help of caring and knowledgeable adults that lead them toward success in a Kindergarten setting. Each section of the document presents information that can be used by adults to create the opportunities and learning experiences young children need in order to grow, develop, and learn.

This document was developed by a large and diverse group of early childhood professionals and parents. Committee membership is listed in the Appendices Section.

Quality Standards

The Quality Standards for Early Childhood Education for Children Birth Through Age Eight created a vision for early care and education providers and families, to make certain that children have access to high-quality and developmentally appropriate programs.

Kansas Special Education Process Handbook

The reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA 2004) and the updating of the Kansas State Regulations in 2008, continues the commitment of the nation to ensure that all students, including those with disabilities, have access to a free appropriate public education (FAPE), will be included in the general education curriculum and will demonstrate improved educational outcomes.

The Kansas Special Education for Exceptional Children Act expands federal law and regulations to include children who are identified as gifted and provides an opportunity for children enrolled in private schools by their parents to receive FAPE. The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is required to provide information regarding any rules, regulations and policies not required by IDEA 2004 or Federal Regulations.

The 2008 Kansas Special Education Process Handbook was developed to provide guidance, resources and supports necessary for those professionals who work to improve results for exceptional children. The information provided in the 2008 Kansas Special Education Process Handbook attempts to clarify and define legal requirements of the law and regulations. Each chapter includes a brief overview specifying requirements that are particular to Kansas. In addition, each chapter and the Appendices include valuable resources, sample forms and references. Users of the 2008 Kansas Special Education Process Handbook are encouraged to update any future documents which provide clarification to the law and regulations by KSDE or the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP).

Other KSDE documents

Kindergarten in Kansas

License Renewal Upgrade

Collecting Categorical Aid

EC Employment (.pdf)

Who can I hire as an ECSE/EI teacher? (.pdf)