Kansas Early Years Modules
Welcome to Kansas Early Years!
This professional development program is designed to provide you, as a practitioner in early intervention, important information that will help you partner more effectively with families to identify and reach both child and family outcomes. The program has two major components: 1) online coursework in a module format with individual sessions and 2) onsite mentor coaching provided by a mentor coach chosen from your local early intervention team.
Kansas Early Years Mission
The Kansas Early Years mission is to guide early intervention practitioners in forming trusting partnerships with families to engage in evidence-based decision making in home and community settings. The outcomes include improved child development and enhanced quality of life for the entire family.
About the Modules
Each e-learning module reviews the policies and evidence about the topic and then provides case material and worksheets to apply the policies and evidence to practice situations. Learners develop competency based knowledge and skills as they work through the module activities. Each module contains a pre and post-test as a planning tool for the learner. All worksheets are downloadable so learners can use them to practice with families in their actual case load, and meet with their supervisors to advance their professional development. By completing activities, passing the short quiz and obtaining a supervisor's signature, the module will count as 5 contact hours. The module takes about one hour to view and the associated worksheets take approximately 4 hours to complete.
Module Structure
Each Early Years Module includes six to eight sessions. The sequence of sessions is consistent across the modules, with an introduction session, four to six content sessions, and a summary session. The sessions should be completed in this order because they often build on each other and incorporate ideas from previous session. Further, it is best if the modules are completed in chronological order as they also build upon and incorporates ideas from previous modules. Once a module is completed, the learner can go back to any session within a module or to a full module for review as needed.
Video clips are a part of each session and designed to support the written content and provide examples of specific techniques in real life practice. Some video clips may seem a little dark or the audio is not as clear as is should be, but this is a result of shooting video in real life interactions between professionals and families in their home or natural environments. Additionally, the video clips are stored on YouTube. If you receive a message that the content is blocked this may be a result of filters on the network that your computer is hooked. Also, some computers may be set-up to block content from YouTube and you may be prohibited from accessing the video clips. In either of these situations it will be necessary for you to work with your information technology support person to resolve the problem.
Accessing the Modules - Instructions *
The Kansas Early Years Modules are password protected to ensure that each user can log in as an individual to complete the modules. You will need to request a username and password and one will be assigned to you. To receive a username and password, email your first name, last name, and preferred email address to kskits@ku.edu. In the subject line of the email please put "EY User Request". If you forget your username and password, email kskits@ku.edu.
The first three modules were developed by one team of professionals and the fourth module by a second team. As a result they are stored on different servers and will require that you have a username and password for each system. We apologize for the inconvenience. Kansas users, please email kskits@ku.edu for access code for Module 4.
Also at this point in time Modules 1-3 are provided at no cost to anyone wishing to access the material. Module 4 is free to professionals in the state of Kansas but individuals outside of the state will be required to pay a fee to access to that Module.
Tiered Coaching as Professional Development in Early Intervention: The Kansas Early Years Model
Kansas Mentor Coach Guidebook (11/10/13) (.pdf)
- Module 1 - Empathetic Communication - No cost, see * above for how to access the module.
- Module 2 - Evidence-Based Decision Making - No cost, see * above for how to access the module.
- Module 3 – Service Coordination - No cost, see * above for how to access the module.
- Module 4 – Application to Practice - This module is provided at no cost for Kansas residents. For individuals who reside outside of Kansas, there is a fee for each Lesson in Module 4.
Topics Covered in Module 4
- Focus on Strengths
- Learn about employing a strengths-based approach when working with families.
- Natural Environment Interventions
- Learn about using activities, routines and materials in the natural environment as part of the early intervention practice.
- Coaching
- Learn about employing a Primary Coach approach when serving on teams that support families.
- Home and Community Visits
- Learn about conducting successful home and community visits as professionals support families and children.
- Teaming in Primary Coaching
- Learn about employing a Primary Coach approach when serving on Teams that support families.
Individuals who are not Kansas residents should email kskits@ku.edu for information about accessing the lessons.